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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default OT garden hose opinions?

Polly Esther wrote:
> Absolutely OT but I appreciate the varied opinions of this group. The
> garden hose I use for my plants is rubber, weighs about 100 pounds empty
> and is slowly declining. I need to replace it before it springs a spout
> and does a Yosemite episode on my great-grandmother old body. The
> reviews for that 'only available on tv' collapsible hose are terrible.
> Dismal. Awful. Got it. Anybody here have a garden hose that is so
> light-weight even a 2 year-old can handle it? What about a
> great-granny? It doesn't have to last forever. Polly

I like heavy black rubber hoses because they don't kink, and they last a
long time.

I bought a reinforced vinyl 5/8" hose at Big Lots a couple of years ago
and it's holding up well. It's very light weight (when it's empty), the
only problem is it kinks so easily.

They are all heavy when full of water, but you can reduce that by buying
a 1/2" hose instead of a 5/8 or 3/4.

Good luck,