OT garden hose opinions?
"Polly Esther" > wrote:
> Absolutely OT but I appreciate the varied opinions of this group. The
> garden hose I use for my plants is rubber, weighs about 100 pounds empty
> and is slowly declining. I need to replace it before it springs a spout
> and does a Yosemite episode on my great-grandmother old body. The
> reviews for that 'only available on tv' collapsible hose are terrible.
> Dismal. Awful. Got it. Anybody here have a garden hose that is so
> light-weight even a 2 year-old can handle it? What about a great-granny?
> It doesn't have to last forever. Polly
The local tv station liked the collapsible, and a couple testers. The
regular size is only 25 feet.
I would not buy one myself. Maybe for an apartment. Still using a100 foot
heavy duty hose I bought at Pace warehouse. It's at least 20 years old. One
bad spot. I bought a backup end of last season, on sale at the home depot.
You can buy a lightweight cheap hose, but it kinks and does not last. I
doubt if the collapsable lasts very long.