Thread: Ping - sf
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Default Ping - sf

On 2013-05-23 23:21:01 +0000, sf said:

> On Thu, 23 May 2013 09:59:43 -0700, gtr > wrote:
>> We used 3.5 lbs fish, again the Pacific rock fish (or whatever it's
>> called upstream), and at least doubled most everything from the
>> original recipe. When preparing this for two I saw from my notes that I
>> didn't think the taste bright or well-defined enough. At the same time
>> I had cheated down the dende and coconut milk, and instead of chili
>> used Japanese shichimi pepper and not as much of it. I was reticent as
>> Nancy is uncomfortable with "too spicy". Or so she says, though I've
>> rarely seen her actually balk.
>> Anyway, I was wrong on all counts. So this time, cooking for the group,
>> I came *almost* to the suggested dende levels, used all the coconut
>> milk, and full levels of cayenne and chili powder. The group trilled
>> its glories.

> Terrific! Did the recipe you used call for cilantro (which I love)
> and did you use lime juice? It will definitely brighten the flavor.
> Serve with wedges on the side too.

[ Attentiveness dwindles as I wean myself from usenet... ]

No cilantro called for. Lime juice only in the 1-4 hours of marinade,
in my case about 2.5.

Incidentally the vast amount of flavor shift from the initial pass to
this most recent pass was the dende oil, and to lesser extent the
cayenne/chili. Next time I'll definitely use the full levels of dende,
and may even push it.

I remember from dining on lots of Bahian fare in Brazil that dende oil
can make the digestive process more enthusiastic that is convenient.
But now I'm beginning to think their use was vastly more indescriminate
than I had imagined.