On 26/05/2013 5:36 PM, Ema Nymton wrote:
> On 5/25/2013 2:19 AM, Cheryl wrote:
>> I'm so glad I have a rider because my lawn is so long right now from all
>> of the rain every time I have a chance to cut it that it's all gone to
>> seed and is nearly 12" high. I see the forecast here isn't calling for
>> rain tomorrow, so I'll get it done in the morning. Well, maybe
>> afternoon since it's almost 3:30am now. 
> We will be buying a rider in the next 6-8 weeks. If you hear someone
> shouting for joy, you will know we have it.
Don't wait that long. I don't know about where you live but around here
at this time if year I have to mow the lawn at least twice a week. I
have more than an acre of grass to cut. It is divided into 5 different
areas, I have two streams through the property and dozens of trees. I
would be lost without my tractor mower.
I had been having some problems with it cutting out and not wanting to
start until after it sat for a while. When it was running it ran rough.
I made arrangements to take it into the shop for repair. Between pick up
and delivery, labour and parts I figured I would be looking at at least
$200. The mechanic suggested I try changing the spark plug, fuel and air
filters, so I tried that. It still would not start.
Yesterday morning I decided to give it another try. I poured a little
alcohol into the breather... to help ignition and absorb water that
might have been in the carburator. Then I disconnect the gas line from
the (new) filter, and trained about a half pint of gas. Put it back
together, started it up and it is now running better than it has run in
When I had a push mower I used to cut at least one section of lawn each
night and by the time I finished it was time to start back at the
beginning. If it rained I missed a night and had to make up for it. With
the tractor mower I can mow the entire lawn in about an hour and a half.
Like push mowers, it is better to run over it quickly before it gets too
long because it will keep clogging up and it will take at least three
times as long to mow, and you will have all the clippings to deal with.