In article >,
Tara > wrote:
> On Tue, 28 May 2013 10:35:25 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > Nice menu! A crowd?
> Just our family of four! I wanted a few days worth of leftovers, not to
> mention my eight-year-old boys who eat like horses.
> > I grilled No-Name sirloin steaks on sale at Cub. Not bad except for the
> > pieces of the grill that stuck to the meat -- kinda gritty. :-) The
> > accompaniment was my homemade Nicer-Roni and it was mighty fine! I did
> > that in the basement on the induction cooker. Some good watermelon
> > rounded it out for sweet, followed by some fudgsicles later in the
> > evening. For me.
> Was the watermelon from Cub? I miss Cub Foods.
> Tara
It was and it is delicious. I don't want to mess with a melon right
now, so I bought precut. Not cheap, but delicious.
Barb,, as of April 8, 2013.