Carmelized onions in spaghetti sauce
On Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:01:14 PM UTC-4, Helpful person wrote:
> On May 29, 1:19*pm, Ema Nymton > wrote:
> > On 5/28/2013 9:31 PM, Pringles CheezUms wrote:
> >
> > > I've got a pretty decent spaghetti sauce that I'm on project to turn
> > > into fantastic spaghetti sauce.
> > > It has one raw onion and a tbs of brown sugar.
> > > What effect will carmelizing the onion add? Would that be sweet enuf to
> > > allow me to leave out the brown sugar?
> >
> > Dice some carrots and saute those along with the chopped onion and
> > garlic, carrots usually sweeten your sauce enough that you do not have
> > to use sugar. Sometimes a pinch of sugar helps disguise the canned
> > tomato flavor from tinned sauces.
> >
> > Becca
> Why on earth would you want to make the sauce sweet? I will never
> understand why in the US everything needs to be sweet, even at the
> expense of flavor. This is especially true for fruit.
> hrttp://
Do you seriously type out your website address after every post? Because you misspelled it this time. Halfwit.