CNBC says Smithfield has a Chinese buyout offer
dsi1 wrote:
> The Chinese came to Hawaii during the late 1800s to work in the sugar
> cane plantations. Most of them were single men and most of them would
> take on Hawaiian women as wives. It was a case of the lowest class
> joining the lowest class and yet today, the Chinese-Hawaiians are the
> richest social class in Hawaii. I rent my office space a Chinese guy
> that owns most of our little town.
That also happened in other areas in the Pacific, Indian Ocean and
south-east Asia in general, with the chinese quickly becoming the richest
among the population and thus getting hated by many. Some years ago I read
about a violent anti-chinese upholding in a city in Thailand, it said it
also happened in a long list of other places. Sorry for them
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin