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spamtrap1888 spamtrap1888 is offline
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Default Happy (late) 92nd B-day, Ruth McCrea! (Illustrator of PeterPauper Press books)

On May 30, 8:47*am, wrote:
> She turned 92 (I presume) two days ago.
> The last address I have for her is East Hampton, New York. Her husband is her co-illustrator James McCrea.
> She's probably best known for illustrating cookbooks for the Peter
> Pauper Press. (PPP books are mostly hardcovers that measure, IIRC,
> less than 7.5 " tall and 4.5 " wide.)
> I first saw her work in the 1958 "Japanese Fairy Tales," which, in that Peter Pauper edition, are retold (mostly) by Lafcadio Hearn.
> *(cookbook covers)
> *(illustrations from "Japanese Fairy Tales" - some you have to enlarge, but they include "The Boy Who Drew Cats," The Funny Little Woman," "Urashima Taro," "Chin Chin Kobakama," and The Goblin Spider.")
> *(It's less than 2 minutes long. "The art of Ruth McCrea, illustrator, as seen in the book 'The Story of the Other Wise Man' by Henry VanDyke, published by the Peter Pauper Press, Mount Vernon, New York, 1960.")

My dad had some of those Peter Pauper books, though he was not much of
a book reader, other than the occasional Western. He read the
newspaper everyday, often falling asleep under it.

I remember we had Offbeat Humor.

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