On 2013-05-31, Sqwertz > wrote:
> I was just comparing the regular almonds since you made no declaration
> regarding flavored almonds.
Far be it from me to say nothing when proved wrong. I'm wrong, you were
First, I gotta say I knew the almonds I was speaking of were not reg
FritoLay almonds. They are labled Nut Harvest brand ("Natural"), yet
are a product of Fritolay Inc. Claims range from "no preservatives"
to " no artificial colors/flavors". BUT! ....the indicated salt
content IS higher, NHs 150mg/26g compared to BDs 85mg/28g. And while
the price is less than half the $8+ per bag (1lb) of BDs, these are
only 6 oz bags (damn, where's that receipt!?). Anyway, those are the
OTOH!!! ....there can be no doubt about what I said as to ingested
salt. I KNOW when I'm eating MORE or LESS salt. These Nut Harvest
almonds must have a really crappy coating on them cuz I'll
gar-own-damn-tee you there is not almost twice as much salt getting to
my palate than the BD almonds. I'd guesstimate at least 1/2 to 2/3rds
less salt ingested eating NH almonds. In fact, I'd taken to
physically dusting salt off the BDs. Then I jes quite buying 'em, as I
couldn't tolerate the high salt content, either palatably or
physiologically. No such prob with NH. I'm not gonna collect the
salt in the botton of the NH bag and weigh it, but the salt rubbing
off the nuts (calm down, sw) is the only reason I can think of to
explain this bizarre disparity. Next time I'm in the store (didn't
have time), I'll buy some "natural" DB almonds (but don't they have NO
salt?), which I noticed on the shelf.
Oh well, there ya go, squeezy. I find crow goes quite nicely with a
bottle of Mojo IPA. 7.2abv with grapefruit floral notes.