Pure Olive Oil vs EVOO
sf wrote:
> Someone here (I forget who, sorry) has asked several times if people
> have forgotten about "Pure Olive Oil" whenever EVOO is mentioned... I
> never forgot about it because I didn't know about it existed. I knew
> about regular, refined OO, but not anything called "pure". Well, I
> happened to go to Costco two days in a row this week and looked at
> oils each time. Yep, they sell "Pure Olive Oil". I looked it up and
> apparently it's a mixture of refined olive oil and EVOO... if there's
> a specific percentage of each, I missed that part. In any case, I
> worked the math and buying Kirkland brand EVOO or Kirkland brand Pure
> Olive Oil works out to be ± $6 for either one. A deciding factor, for
> me, is the amount I can buy it in. Kirkland brand EVOO comes in one 2
> liter jug, but I have to buy two 2 liter jugs of Kirkland's Pure OO
> and I prefer buying one at a time because I do not want to store that
> amount of oil.
> So, I have this question for you: I use EVOO as my everyday cooking
> oil. I use it for salad dressing and I saute with it. Since cost is
> not a factor, can you think of any compelling reason why I should
> switch?
With cost not being a factor, the only reason I can think of to use the
pure/refined is for baking where you might otherwise use a different
flavorless oil like Canola.