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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Another Wacky Recipe

barbie gee wrote:

> I'm still looking for a recipe I stumbled across once called "Pizza
> Potatoes". I think it was a crockpot dish, too. Something about the
> idea of potatoes that taste like pizza really appealed to me...

Somewhere I have a recipe for fried small pizzas (pizzette fritte) where the
dough is made with more potatoes than flour, I make disks about 4" in
diameter and 1/2" thick, fry them and top them with a tomato sauce (oil,
garlic, tomato, s&p) and grated parmigiano reggiano. The dough end up very
soft and tasty, this snack is very quick at disappearing from serving dishes

"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin