Bring back George W Bush - all is forgiven.
On Wed, 05 Jun 2013 09:18:57 +1000, John J > wrote:
>On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 06:50:33 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 18:23:33 +1000, John J > wrote:
>>> On Mon, 03 Jun 2013 19:13:34 -0600, Janet Bostwick
>>> > wrote:
>>> >On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 07:58:13 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>On Mon, 03 Jun 2013 07:50:50 -0600, Janet Bostwick
>>> > wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>>On Mon, 03 Jun 2013 06:53:21 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>> >>>snip
>>> >>>
>>> >>>>Thanks SF. I don't distinguish between Republicans and Democrats, they
>>> >>>>both work for the same team IMO.
>>> >>>
>>> >>>Such a stance isn't helpful to our country. Two party is the system
>>> >>>we've got. Shaking your head and saying there's no point in
>>> >>>involvement is the short road to our country's downfall.
>>> >>>(Sermon over)
>>> >>>Janet US
>>> >>
>>> >>With all due respect, it is just sad to hear an attitude like that.
>>> >
>>> >Most often people who have your take on politics adopt that attitude
>>> >because if frees them up from reading, listening, and following what
>>> >is actually going on and most importantly it frees them from having to
>>> >get out and make a decision and vote. Just sayin'
>>> >Janet US
>>> Don't you have a Green party or something else half decent?
>>They don't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning and drain votes
>>away from the candidate that should win - the result of a split vote
>>puts the other party in office which is even worse for the country.
>Maybe it will lead to change, because your 2 party system doesn't seem
>to be working.
It doesn't, but then ours isn't a whole lot better either, despite
having a third 'option' which is basically the same as the other two.