Bring back George W Bush - all is forgiven.
On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 11:31:01 +1000, John J > wrote:
> On Wed, 05 Jun 2013 09:30:58 -0700, sf > wrote:
> >On Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:05:41 +1000, John J > wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 21:43:53 -0700, sf > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> You can't blame Nader for the fact that half your people voted for
> >> George Bush. A man who, in any other "civilized" country, would be the
> >> assistant manager of a McDonald's license in a small rural town.
> >
> >Half MY people? You're not an American?
> >
> >I can explain how GWB stole the first election, the second was because
> >Kerry didn't turn out the vote. Minnesota even gave one electoral
> >vote to Edwards! As far as the red states go, sheeple can be
> >manipulated into voting against their own best interests. When you
> >only hear the Faux news talking heads slant on current events,
> >eventually you're going to believe it's the God's honest truth. Look
> >where the Keystone pipeline is going. Right through Bush/Cheney-land
> >and over a very sensitive aquifer. A rupture in that pipeline will
> >pollute the aquifer and they will squawk to high heaven about poor
> >little them, mark my words. Oil companies (+ the Koch Bros) don't
> >care a whit about people or the environment, they only care about
> >corporate profit and how to manipulate sheeple into letting them do
> >whatever they want.
> But it's their choice to only watch Fox News.
I don't live in that part of the country, so I don't know what choices
they have. I do know that Fox is preached from the pulpit and I know
that if that slant is all you hear, you tend to believe it's the
truth. I do know that some teenage whiz that was the darling of the
conservative party when he was in high school, but changed his mind
after he went to college because he had more information to draw from.
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