This - now what?
On 6/7/2013 5:40 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:07:21 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>> Not unless you watch Kitchen Nightmares and like to watch people who own
>> a restaurant have a major meltdown.
> I downloaded the episode of Kitchen Nightmares after people started
> talking about it. It was pretty sad to watch. The "gangster" husband
> is totally pussy-whipped and she is a lunatic.
> I don't make a point to watch that show but the 10 or so episodes I
> have seen over the years, Gordon Ramsey never has anything good to say
> about the food. I find it hard to believe that all the food he tries
> sucks that bad. You know they picked this particular couple just
> because they knew they would go ballistic.
> Apparently Amy and her husband has the impression that Gordon Ramsey
> would come in, taste their food, and give their restaurant his glowing
> endorsements and praise despite all the negative reviews the
> restaurant had received. That right there proves they're not right in
> the head.
> -sw
I don't watch the show on a regular basis but I've caught it often
enough to know he usually goes into a place because they need help.
Most of the time the kitchens look like they've never been cleaned. The
walk-ins have stuff strewn all over the place. Old, rotting vegetables
in the fridge. Mold. The one good thing Ramsay had to say about Amy's
Baking Company was the kitchen and storage areas were spotless. And the
server they fired said yes, it was always clean. So they didn't just
clean it up for the TV show.
Ramsay never pulls any punches. They *had* to know that going in.
That's why the producers of the show threatened to sue their asses off
and they cancelled their press conference.
I do believe Gordon Ramsay knows good food from bad. Of course it's
television, but these people... really? When I order a burger med-rare
I expect it to be juicy. I don't expect waterfall of grease dripping
onto the plate. That burger they served him, you could practically
wring it out like a sponge. EWWWW.