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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default 8 nutrition myths and why they aren't true.

On 6/10/2013 11:58 AM, notbob wrote:
> On 2013-06-10, Susan > wrote:
>> Yannow, debating folks whose entire argument is "I don't believe in it,

> I needed to read no more than a few lines:
> "-Fructose vs. Glucose: Fructose is more likely to stimulate hunger,
> increase abdominal obesity and insulin resistance, compared to the
> same amount of calories from glucose (1, 2, 3)."
> ....then, going to the first reference:
> "Although both groups exhibited similar weight gain..."
> So, which is it? A calorie IS a calorie or is NOT a calorie. Can't
> have it both ways. If they both cause "similar weight gain", wtf is
> the difference? I don't care if it's abdominal obesity, mammary
> obesity, or rolls on the back of my neck, its still freakin' obesity!
> You wanna read how PopSci can split hairs, knock yerself out
> (please!). I got better things to do.
> nb

I guess I'll have to read the article now. Not that I really care
what someone (or someones) published in Popular Science thinks about
what or how I eat.
