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Ophelia[_9_] Ophelia[_9_] is offline
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Default How not to be a regular customer

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 6/13/2013 3:45 PM, sf wrote:
>> On Thu, 13 Jun 2013 14:40:04 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> On 6/11/2013 10:34 PM, Metspitzer wrote:
>>>> Don't waste 8 min of your life by watching this video, but you
>>>> shouldn't raise such a stink about a free donut if you ever want to
>>>> eat at the place again.
>>>> I am sure the employees would love to see her come back. They will be
>>>> standing in line to put body fluids in her drink.
>>> Why anyone would get so friggin upset over something from Dunkin Donuts
>>> is a mystery. Why anyone would go to the trouble of video taping
>>> demanding a free donut and drink is unimaginable. She suggested someone
>>> blow her brains out... maybe someone will. Yes, this is an "educated"
>>> woman, who says, "like, you know, like, I have a business degree, and
>>> like..." Go back to school and learn the meaning of the word "like".
>>> God girl, get a life. Preferably on Mars. Heh. Oh, and she greatly
>>> overestimates the power of Facebook. Maybe she should go to work for
>>> Amy's Baking Company in Scottsdale.

>> What a boring video. I had to fast forward several times and even
>> then exited before it ended. IMO, she's just another a spoiled,
>> self-righteous brat trying to intimidate staff that are paid to be
>> nice to @ssholes. Suuuure she contacted "her lawyer". Maybe she has
>> a friend who is studying law, but no self-respecting lawyer would take
>> that on. Did she say how much she's suing for? I didn't hear a
>> dollar amount, just some BS about the whole store twice. They are too
>> busy with legitimate work to take on a BS case like that. Her
>> "damage" is something she should take to small claims court and she'll
>> be laughed out of there too.

> She'd be laughed out of any court. All that curing makes her appear
> extremely ignorant and not very credible. She's just plain stupid if she
> thinks this video will help her "case". I'd like to be on that jury.

If she were here and called someone a n****r she would be hauled up in front
of a court.
She is disgusting.