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casa bona casa bona is offline
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Default How not to be a regular customer

On 6/15/2013 8:31 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 6/13/2013 9:39 PM, Cheryl wrote:
>> On 6/13/2013 2:40 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> Why anyone would get so friggin upset over something from Dunkin Donuts
>>> is a mystery. Why anyone would go to the trouble of video taping
>>> demanding a free donut and drink is unimaginable. She suggested someone
>>> blow her brains out... maybe someone will. Yes, this is an "educated"
>>> woman, who says, "like, you know, like, I have a business degree, and
>>> like..." Go back to school and learn the meaning of the word "like".
>>> God girl, get a life. Preferably on Mars. Heh. Oh, and she greatly
>>> overestimates the power of Facebook. Maybe she should go to work for
>>> Amy's Baking Company in Scottsdale.
>>> Jill

>> I couldn't watch it all. The poor guy at the register was like a deer
>> in headlights and I don't blame him. That girl needs some valium.

> I must be sick. I tend to follow up on things like this just to find
> out what happened.
> Dunkin Donuts plans to honor the employees who handled her extreme
> rudeness and racial epithets with such grace. Meanwhile, this chick has
> lost her job. That sure backfired, didn't it? I really don't know what
> she thought she'd accomplish.
> As for her having a "business degree", she was working as an actress for
> powersalesteam dot com doing online commercials for small businesses.
> She lost her job, has cancelled her FB and Twitter accounts and has gone
> underground. That's exactly where she needs to stay. Good luck finding
> another job, you stupid woman.
> I've worked retail, I've worked in restaurants. Sure I've encountered
> rudeness from customers. But I've never seen anything quite this. I
> don't know why people think they can get away with this sort of
> behaviour. Then to video it and believe people would actually be on her
> side? Nutjob.
> Jill

It's the state of our intensely self-focused society and short attention
span lifestyle. Couple that with an unhealthy does odf drugs and - presto.

Be gald she's not kin to you, the shame of knowing there might be any
common DNA would be overwhelming.