Carcinogenic Grilling
I just read a scary article "4 Easy Steps for Safe Summer Grilling"
about how "dangerous" it is to grill meat at high temperature, to let
grease drip and flare up, and on and on. Basically, the claim is that
anything that makes the meat taste good is going to kill you.
What was missing (as it is from nearly every article warning of the
"danger" of doing something), was *just how dangerous is it?*
Here's what I mean:
For discussion, say the likelihood of contracting cancer *without*
eating grilled food is one in ten million.
Now, if eating some amount (how much?) of grilled food raises the risk
to one in eight million, I'm still going to grill steaks and burgers
whenever I want.
But if the risk goes up to one in *a hundred*, I'm going to put my grill
out on the curb and never cook anything that way again.
Bottom line: without putting some numbers on the risk, the article is
totally useless, except to scare people into doing things they may not
need to do.
So, does anybody know (with numbers):
How much does the risk of cancer increase due to eating grilled meat?
What is the relative risk between grilled meat once a day, once a week,
once a month, ..?