Carcinogenic Grilling
On 6/17/2013 5:44 AM, sf wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 01:07:01 -0700, isw > wrote:
>> I just read a scary article "4 Easy Steps for Safe Summer Grilling"
>> about how "dangerous" it is to grill meat at high temperature, to let
>> grease drip and flare up, and on and on. Basically, the claim is that
>> anything that makes the meat taste good is going to kill you.
> <snip>
>> So, does anybody know (with numbers):
>> How much does the risk of cancer increase due to eating grilled meat?
>> What is the relative risk between grilled meat once a day, once a week,
>> once a month, ..?
> If I was a worry wart, I would be more concerned about the risks of
> inhaling BBQ smoke than eating theoretical carcinogens.
How interesting, a far more direct vector and not one other person
caught it.