Thread: Meatballs!
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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Meatballs!

Ophelia wrote:
> "sf" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sun, 16 Jun 2013 11:20:56 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> From Smithsonian Magazine
>>> 3/06/is-spaghetti-and-meatballs-italian/
>>> ?utm_source=smithsoniantopic&utm_medium=
>>> email&utm_campaign=20130616-Weekender
>>> or (yeah, hate those long URLs):
>>> Part of the text:
>>> "Meatballs-juicy goodness of meat, onions, breadcrumbs, egg, butter, and
>>> Parmigiano-Reggiano, soaked in red sauce over a pile of spaghetti.
>>> Nothing says comfort like a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. And,
>>> nothing says Italian food like a big bowl of spaghetti and
>>> meatballs-unless you are Italian."
>>> Any comments? I've never been to Italy so I know I've never eaten any
>>> authentic Italian food.

>> I've been to Italy and meat-a-balls are not a huge part of the cuisine
>> where I've eaten... in fact, I don't remember seeing them on any menu.

> I don't like plain meat balls, so I use the same mix I use for meat loaf.

My mom makes large meatloaf-like meatballs with a lot of breading. I
make much smaller denser meatballs that are almost all meat. Both are
good, but they are entirely different.

Wife often drives up to the south side of the twin cities for some kind
of knitting thing, and she brings home spaghetti and meatballs takeout
from an Italian place up there. Their meatballs are right smack in the
middle between what I make and my mom does. They are probably doing it

Last time I made meatballs, beef was expensive and pork was on sale, so
I ground a large pork roast and made all pork meatballs. They turned
out really good; I'm glad I made so many (I still have a few pounds in
the freezer.) I bake them in the oven, then finish them in whatever
sauce. If they are frozen, just add them frozen to the hot sauce and
they are ready when heated all the way thru.
