Raspberry Jam
On 18/06/2013 11:57 AM, Broadback wrote:
> It will not be long before raspberries are here (UK). Other years I have
> frozen them, but to be honest I have got a bit fed up with raspberries.
> So this year I thought I'd use some for jam. What is a good recipe? is
> the jam difficult to set?
If you buy a commercial pectin it probably has the recipe, and raspberry
is one of the easiest because you don't need to do anything to the fruit
other tan pick out any stems or leaves in the basket. Sterilize the
jars,tops and equipment. Mix the fruit and sugar, bring it to a
rolling boil on high heat, stirring very frequently. Boil it for a
minute or so, as per pectin instructions, which may be to add it before
it boils or after. Pour the hot jam into the jars and seal.