In article >,
> On 6/19/2013 6:49 AM, Helpful person wrote:
> > On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 5:37:44 PM UTC-4, James Silverton wrote:
> >>
> >> Until a few years ago, the very fine jams from the Swiss Hero company
> >>
> >> did not include pectin but, alas, they have succumbed.
Almost all fruits contain pectins. You only need to add any pectin
when making jam with a fruit that doesn't contain much of its own (like
strawberries and blackberries).
> >> Jim Silverton (Potomac, MD)
> >>
> >
> > What's wrong with pectin?
> Recipes that employ commercial pectin as a jelling agent need a good
> bit more sugar to get the jam or jelly to set up.
Have you ever actually made jam with pectin?
It's the other way round; pectin *helps* the set so you need less
sugar. With added pectin the jam reaches setting point sooner so you get
better fruit flavour (and fruity texture, with a soft fruit like
Janet UK