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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Carcinogenic Grilling

On 6/17/2013 6:48 AM, Jim Elbrecht wrote:

> That is from memory from an article I read this spring in Time- The
> numbers are likely to be wrong-- but the ratio is about right.
> Personally, I just go with moderation and a prayer. Shit happens.

Agree! Besides, carcinogens aren't going to affect every person the
same way. How to know you're the one at risk? Can they find a gene
that says you're at risk for stomach cancer like Angelina Joline found
for a risk for breast cancer? Maybe. But she doesn't have to avoid
food. Life causes cancer. How to avoid, who knows, other than avoid
the obvious.

> -snip-
>> >
>> >One of the tips I saw was to use foil over the grill to avoid the
>> >carcinogens. They are essentially taking the grill and making it into
>> >a frying pan. WTF? Why not just use a fry pan?

> +1

If it comes down to using the grill as a frying pan, I'd rather risk the

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