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casa bona
external usenet poster
Posts: 654
On 6/20/2013 5:19 PM,
> On Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:10:36 PM UTC-4, casa bona wrote:
>> On 6/20/2013 5:05 PM,
>>> On Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:01:03 PM UTC-4, casa bona wrote:
>>>> On 6/20/2013 4:53 PM,
>>>>> On Thursday, June 20, 2013 6:35:38 PM UTC-4, casa bona wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/17/2013 5:49 PM,
>>>>>>>>> Then why are you posting to a thread stupid ****.
>>>>>>>> Hey, mind the language please.
>>>>>>> Who in the **** are you?!?
>>>>>> I of course am ME and you are merely you.
>>>>>>> I'll mind my language when idiotic ****s like Julie stop posting.
>>>>>> Iow, never.
>>>>>>> And as for you - gargle my balls whore.
>>>>>> Such a mouth through the invincible keyboard, eh?
>>>>> Believe me, I'd LOVE to say it to your face.
>>>> Why?
>>>>> Julie constantly posts to threads saying "I don't like/am allergic to/am intolerant to", depending on which hair testing lab she's using at the time.
>>>> So she has some allergies, or not; now what's the big problem there?
>>>>> You are apparently too slow-witted to see that. My invincible keyboard doesn't stop my language, just like yours doesn't stop your mouth-breather replies.
>>>> Oddly enough my replies tend to be a measure more well-written than your
>>>> leaden rhetoric.
>>>> Perhaps that's what peeves you.
>>> You're not really familiar with Julie are you?
>> I am relatively new to this group, yes.
> Then you'd best not comment on Julie's posts or the replies to them. She's pretty universally reviled. As you will be soon. Unexpressed thoughts - check into the concept.
>>> As for my "leaden rhetoric", whatever makes you feel superior, chief! After all, it is usenet. I know I save my best prose for this dump. Homo.
>> Honestly it begs imagination to even consider that you might have some
>> "best prose" in you.
>> James Joyce you're not.
> Where the **** do you think you are?
My living room, and you?
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casa bona
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