On 6/21/2013 10:18 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 6/21/2013 11:35 AM, casa bona wrote:
>> On 6/21/2013 7:32 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> I get your point, but I'd like the rest of this group to know who these
>>>> two are and what they're about.
>>> I'm sure we can figure it out on our own.
>>> Jill
>> If true, why the safe harbor here then?
> (snipped)
> Safe harbor? WTF? I've been on this newsgroup for a very long time.
> Some of the people you are talking about haven't managed or even
> attemped to "kill" this newsgroup.
I agree.
The use it like bin Laden did Afghanistan.
> You don't like the posters?
I like their respective 'talents wrt to bbq and food photography.
I think it'd be peachy if they stuck to that.
> Killfile them.
I've never been much on the head in sand method.
> What you're doing is instigating.
Actually Marty followed ME over here from afb and initiated, not the
other way round.
Sycophantic Spin was all too happy to join in.
> This ng has done pretty well
> for decades without your playing cybercop.
And some others have died for the ministrations of Spin and Marty.
> You want safe? Go to a moderated forum. Flee to Facebook.
> Jill
It's funny you mention that, give FB has almost administered the death
knell to usenet.
For a while the moderated yahoo groups seemed to be the replacement, but
I think they've tapered off a bit too.
If you harbor group-killers you as much as legitimize their actions.
There's no way I see you as intending to do that given your posts.