Chipotle Restaurants reveals it uses GMO ingredients.
On Fri, 21 Jun 2013 14:23:10 -0600, casa bona > wrote:
> >>>
> >> Hmmm, perhaps they're improved. I may swing by one some day to see.
> >
> > I can't vouch for your area, but I think they should be able to turn
> > out decent chain Mexicanish food in NM.
> >
> That's the thing, we have _so many_ alternatives.
> It'll be somewhere I hit when traveling most likely, perhaps Vegas.
Not coming close to suggesting you *should* eat there, just saying
it's not as bad as people here love to make you think. What baffles
me is these are the same people who think nothing about shopping at
places like Walmart, so it's not like they care one way or the other.
They are just trying to sound superior.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.