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Default Way OT - Butter Question

"Dave Hill" > wrote in message
> > My roommate.... stores the butter dish
> > on the kitchen counter instead of the refrigerator.
> > I've just never heard of such a thing and it's grossing me out.

> I nearly always keep butter on the kitchen counter. Sorry if that sounds
> awful, but I'm with your roommate on this score! The butter is so much
> easier to spread.


Me too. There's usually one pack of it in the fridge, for when the one
that's out runs out, and also for pastry/crumble making, when it's important
to use chilled ingredients. We take our milk out of the fridge in the
morning, and it doesn't usually go back in there - we drink around a litre a
day of skimmed between the two of us, a fresh litre each day. I don't (as
I've mentioned before) refrigerate eggs, either. Of course, it's pretty cool
here, except on rare summer days (it's around17 degrees now, I think) and if
it is ever warm, both butter and milk live in the fridge, although it's a
PITA to spread the butter at such times!


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