On 6/23/2013 1:09 PM, Mirror of TRVTH wrote:
> casa bona > wrote:
>> On 6/23/2013 1:43 AM, Cheryl wrote:
>>> On 6/21/2013 1:53 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> Actually Marty followed ME over here from afb and initiated, not the
>>>>> other way round.
>>>> Uh, I knew about "marty" and have read his posts for years before I ever
>>>> heard of you. Who died and made you the ****ing sheriff of RFC?
>>> Seriously. This woman is cracking me up with the cybercop crap.
>> I guess the rfc Taliban are up in arms over finding out Spin and Marty
>> are little more than group-killing trolls, oh well...
> It's funny that nobody knew groups were being killed until
> you let us in on the secret.
"Kill" = diminished original participants and an increase in
crap-flooding posters.
And I'm gratified to alert regular readers to the trend, thank you very
> Are you advocating stoning for anyone you judge to be a
> troll?
Only in Washington and Colorado at this point, the rest must satisfy
themselves with being sots.
> Seems like you've already cast the first stone.
Ah, you're going Biblical on me I see.
Shall we draw Lots to see if there is one good man amongst you?