Raspberry Jam
On 24/06/2013 2:11 PM, notbob wrote:
>> If you buy a commercial pectin it probably has the recipe, and raspberry
>> is one of the easiest because you don't need to do anything to the fruit
>> other tan pick out any stems or leaves in the basket.
> Put the lotion in the basket.....
> ....jes kidding. Seriously, why do companies that produce commercial
> blackberry jam take all the seeds out, but leave all the seeds in
> raspberry jam? I jes bought a jar of raspberry jam for my mom and the
> damn thing has almost more seeds than jam. I protest!! I hate
> raspberry and love blackberry and seeds, yet every brand of blackberry
> jam on the mkt shelf is "seedless". WTF!! Is this some kinda world
> wide plot against notbob?
I am the other way around. I don't mind raspberry seeds because they are
small and innocuous. Blackberry seeds, OTOH, are sometimes huge and