North vs South
On 24/06/2013 8:49 PM, Kalmia wrote:
> On Saturday, June 22, 2013 7:11:12 AM UTC-4, Pete C. wrote:
>>> In this country it seems to go beyond North and South. I think people are
>>> the most tolerant here in the PNW. Perhaps this is because the people who
>>> settled this area were rebels!
>> It's not really north vs. south anymore, it's much more left/right
>> coasts vs. middle.
> Wait til a Texan says to your face "I hate Yankees". I chose to say nothing, figuring 1865 and Appomattox Courthouse was sufficient. I guess it's tough to feel like you were on the losing side, be it 150 years later. Lord, I hope another 150 years will terminate this North-South stuff.
My great great great <?> uncle was at Appomattox, on the losing side. He
was Lee's Provost General. He was born in Canada and lived in NYC, but
when the war broke out he fought for the South.