> wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Jun 2013 14:26:27 -0600, casa bona > wrote:
>>>> Didn't they go on a buying binge on Canada recently?
>>>> http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/stor...ooc-nexen.html
>>>> China's Nexen buy is Canada's elephant in the oil patch
>>> We have a conservative PM from Alberta - he believes the Tar Sands are
>>> clean.
>>He's never flown over ft. McMurray?
> Heard the saying 'none so blind/deaf as those who don't wish to
> see/hear ' ?
And there are none so thick who refuse to get the facts! Those open cast
mines are actually cleaning up the environment!!!!!
The ground up there is soaked with OIL that is constantly leaking into the
creeks and rivers. Sit on the muskeg up there and your arse will be black
with OIL.