"pavane" <> Shelly, I would drop your pharmacist and consult some reputable
> medical people. Your pharmacist is dead wrong. DEAD wrong.
> http://www.drugs.com/slideshow/grape...s-1028#slide-1
> Love Grapefruit Juice? Drug Interactions Are Numerous.
> Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) is nutritious fruit full of vitamin C,
> antioxidants, and a tangy-sweet flavor. However, research points
> to over 85 drug interactions - 43 of which may be serious -
> with grapefruit.
> Medications can interact with all forms of grapefruit -
> the fresh fruit, juice or even the frozen concentrate can result
> in problems. Interactions may occur with commonly used drugs -
> such as those that lower cholesterol, treat high blood
> pressure, or fight cancer.
> pavane
You bet your boots. We had some terrible reactions from DH's love of
grapefruit juice after his by-pass and subsequent prescriptions. Our
pharmacist (who is precious and appears to be about 15 years old) explained
the grapefruit juice deal. Might as well have tossed the pills and taken a
dose of napalm. Wondering why the dr hadn't mentioned the problem, the young
fellow said, "Well, some doctors don't study this much." Great.