REC: Pizza night
casa bona wrote:
>> One pizza is the standard pepperoni, and the other, my favorite of
>> the two, pesto, prosciutto, Parmesan cheese and artichoke hearts.
> Number two is the one I'd crave.
> 'Round here we also make a green chile sauced pie with pulled pork and
> pickled red onions.
> Not many complaints when that baby hits the table.
BTW, a lot of kebab shops here also sell pizza and nowadays they all offer a
pizza topped with the kebab items: meat, veggies and sauces. Some do it over
a basic no-mozzarella pizza (crust + tomato) others let the mozz in, I still
have todecide which is best. The only downside of it is the red hot sauce:
it doesn't match very well with the tomato of a pizza. Next time I'll go for
one I'll ask them to use a plain crust with no tomato sauce.
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin