Grapefruit and (Rx) medications
On 6/25/2013 11:59 PM, Mark Thorson wrote:
> Don't assume herbal supplements are safe!
> Many have life-threatening side effects.
> Licorice root causes high blood pressure,
> ginkgo biloba causes hemorrhage, etc.
> You can't trust the guy at the health food
> store or paperback books written by quacks
> to warn you about the hazards.
I agree with you, Mark. Ginkgo biloba, in particular, is a blood
thinner. Many people take it for alleged properties for improved memory
and brain function. But if you're already on prescription blood
thinners (or a prescribed aspirin regimen) beware!
My SO, John, knows a lot of people I call "helpful hippies". If, for
example, he casually mentions he has a sore back, someone will recommend
blah blah berbal whatever. This is a man who takes multiple Rx
medications daily. If he listened to them, the "helpful hippies" could
very well kill him. They don't have a clue about how these things might
interact with his prescriptions. Every time he tells me so-and-so
recommended he try [herbal supplement] I say, "Ask your doctor!"