Chipotle Restaurants reveals it uses GMO ingredients.
On 6/26/2013 12:55 PM, Fuzz Wuzzy Bear wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2013 15:46:44 -0600, casa bona wrote:
>> So you see yourself as a bellwether for the larger customer base?
> In the category of restaurant customer and fast food customer yes.
> They are NOT even a consideration.
> I eat out a large percentage of my meals from fast food to 5 star sit
> down formal restaurants, and this place is NOT going to be /my/ choice,
> ever. I went twice, first 4 years ago or so, and then again recently. I
> only went both times as 1) I was not paying, and 2) and it was not my
> choice, since both times it was work related trips that clients wanted to
> go there, and never would have been.
That's well and good, but still merely anecdotal.
>> Never the less they closely follow the company and its earnings.
>> Of course you didn't really give a rip about the rest of the metrics I
>> posted on market share and growth potential either, so enjoy being
>> convincingly wrong.
>> This is a healthy and growing franchise, regardless of whether you can
>> see it.
> Plain and simple I don't care whether it is a "healthy growing franchise"
> based on stock manipulators.
Their growth comes from actual revenues per store (100% higher than
their competition) and market share, not 'stock manipulators".
Do try and focus.
> I didn't dispute your claims and/or metrics
> as I don't care. Wouldn't know, didn't read, nor do I want to read or
> know about their metrics. They can have all the growth etc... it means
> shit when customers don't go.
That's silliness and illogical to boot, customers "going" are the
metrics, and they remain robust and increasing, period.
> And I will be doing my part to discourage
> customers. Most in my non work crowd wouldn't and don't go. They would
> just as soon go to Taco Bell than shitpotle.
Toxic Hell is not their comp, Q'doba is.
> If there was another
> restaurant where this shipotle was I would have went there and got food
> both times. Even if it was a mcdonalds which is the absolute last choice
> on my list of places.
> Add in their "PC smarminess" and that alone is a big enough turn off,
> even if the food was consumable.
The food is quit consumable, by those of greater palette than beliefs bias.