The grapefruit and drug interaction is well known as many have pointed
However I got caught out with Tangelos, those delicious hybrids from
Minneola Fla.
When they were in season and plentiful a few years back I started on
them with a flourish only to find they enhanced my blood pressure
medication (by interfering with the metabolism of its removal my
pharmacist informs me) effectively increasing the dose and sending my
BP plummeting.
So watch out for them too if you are effected by grapefruit.
Cheerz Mark.
On Tue, 25 Jun 2013 15:55:03 -0500, Sky >
>Here's some interesting information I read in the May 2013 Good
>Housekeeping magazine about eating - or rather best not to eat!! -
>grapefruit with more than 80+ prescription (Rx) medications that some
>folks here in RFC might find interesting and useful.
>"Talk about a sour mix: One report lists more than 85 drugs that
>interact badly with the breakfast favorite, 43 of them dangerously so.
>(The same problem can arise with limes, Seville oranges, and pomelos.)
>And it’s a myth that you’ll be OK if you eat only a small amount or wait
>to take your pills. The list includes cholesterol drugs, sedatives,
>antibiotics, and more, as well as safe alternatives. It’s quite
>technical, so you may want to show it to your M.D."
>AND, for the list of the many specific Rx medications:
>Folks might want to learn and share this information with their loved
>ones and friends. HTH.
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