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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default tomato sauce for pizza

Of all the pizzaioli I talked about their tomato sauce for pizza, all told
but one me the same: they buy big cans of pelled tomatoes (pelati) and run
them through a food processor, then they scour the sauce in order to get rid
of the sseds.
The one who differs does the same but then puts some oil and garlic in a big
pot, sautees the garlic, removes it and adds the processed pelati, then let
it get to boiling point and turns off the heat.
Honestly, I can't tell the difference between his tomato and the others',
and this is probably the reason why the others don't cook it.
One fy best pizzas at home, though, was when I had a skillet of pancetta
(unsmoked bacon) and garlic tomato sauce I prepared for pasta: just the
sauce, some mozzarella and shredded gorgonzola here and there.
BTW gorgonzola and tomato sucks bigtime, but pizza makes a kind of a miracle
and they work so good together...
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin