Chipotle Restaurants reveals it uses GMO ingredients.
"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Fuzz Wuzzy Bear" wrote
>> > The only fools are the schmucks who read those stupid labels.
>> Uh, no. Some people *have* to.
> I DO agree with you there, Julie. The Wuzzy and I are only referring to
> people without health problems. Certainly others have to watch
> everything.
I do agree that most people without health problems do not read labels. And
when they do, they are often looking for some seemingly random thing to
either be there or not be there. People can be very faddish.
Remember the big chicken push back in the 80's? Chicken and oat bran. Not
necessarily together. They pushed the oat bran like it was the cure all for
everything! And then almost as soon as it began, they said, "Oops! I
doesn't do what we said it would!" I had an oat bran cookbook and another
that had something like 365 chicken recipes in it.
One day a friend told me that she was so proud of herself because she had
eaten a healthy meal the night before. I asked her what it was, wondering
because at the time she liked to brag about how she didn't cook. That was
another thing that used to be popular with women. I don't personally get it
because perhaps I am not quite old enough to relate to those days but... A
lot of women older than me felt that they were obligated or required to do
all of the cooking and resented it. So there was a big anti-cooking thing
going on. Anyway... She described this sandwich that she had gotten
somewhere. Fast food. Breaded chicken patty on a white flour bun. So I
said to her, "You know that you are negating any healthy aspect of that
chicken by breading, frying and eating on that bun. Right?" She looked a
bit shocked. Replied, "No... It was chicken! I thought we were SUPPOSED
to eat chicken!" Yeah. People think some weird things.