On 6/25/2013 11:46 PM, Polly Esther wrote:
> "pavane" <> Shelly, I would drop your pharmacist and consult some reputable
>> medical people. Your pharmacist is dead wrong. DEAD wrong.
>> http://www.drugs.com/slideshow/grape...s-1028#slide-1
>> Love Grapefruit Juice? Drug Interactions Are Numerous.
>> Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) is nutritious fruit full of vitamin C,
>> antioxidants, and a tangy-sweet flavor. However, research points
>> to over 85 drug interactions - 43 of which may be serious -
>> with grapefruit.
>> Medications can interact with all forms of grapefruit -
>> the fresh fruit, juice or even the frozen concentrate can result
>> in problems. Interactions may occur with commonly used drugs -
>> such as those that lower cholesterol, treat high blood
>> pressure, or fight cancer.
>> pavane
> You bet your boots. We had some terrible reactions from DH's love of
> grapefruit juice after his by-pass and subsequent prescriptions. Our
> pharmacist (who is precious and appears to be about 15 years old)
> explained the grapefruit juice deal. Might as well have tossed the
> pills and taken a dose of napalm. Wondering why the dr hadn't mentioned
> the problem, the young fellow said, "Well, some doctors don't study this
> much." Great.
Neither my doctor nor the pharmacist mentioned that interaction with the
blood pressure med I just started taking. The pharmacy inserts a drug
interaction pamphlet I guess assuming we read it all. So I'm especially
glad to have read this. I don't eat much grapefruit but if I do, it's
good to know.
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