Thread: Open Pit
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casa bona casa bona is offline
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Default Open Pit

On 6/27/2013 10:47 PM, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jun 2013 20:55:26 -0400, Cheryl >
> wrote:
>>> Yeah, I may have to retire the Casa Boner nym here soon. I like
>>> messing with Barabara, especially, but it really pains me to have to
>>> put up such as dimwitted charade as my Casa Boner identity. It;'s not
>>> like this one is going to earn me an Oscar.

>> I don't know, I'm kind of enjoying the laughs.

> Yeah, yeah, yeah. Big HAHA.
> 1. How do you know Steve Wertz is not lying to you the same way he
> lies to everyone else? Are you that ignorant or do you feel *that*
> insulated?
> 2. He claims he "frogged" Casa Bona which means he stole CB's
> identity and posted as CB. Why? Because I ignored him when he nym
> shifted. Yes, he IS that needy. If you still think it's funny, then
> I will wonder why - because I thought you were smarter than that.
> So, the reality is that if "Steve Wertz" (if you think that's his real
> name, then shame on you) is the behind Casa Bona - then he had to play
> nice just to get me to respond to him.... so who is the real puppet
> master? I say I am. If he has to play nice just to get me to respond
> when he's not playing the nyn shifting game... then TADA!
> I be da queen and he can kiss my ass.

Lol, well you just raised his blood pressure by a few millibars!