Open Pit
On 6/28/2013 1:00 PM, Mirror of TRVTH wrote:
> casa bona > wrote:
>> On 6/28/2013 12:35 PM, Mirror of TRVTH wrote:
>>> casa bona > wrote:
>>>> On 6/28/2013 12:18 PM, Mirror of TRVTH wrote:
>>>>> casa bona > wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/28/2013 11:28 AM, Gary wrote:
>>>>>>> casa bona wrote:
>>>>>>>> You're a mentally damaged person Steve, why you insist on demonstrating
>>>>>>>> that here time and again is an oddity not yet explained.
>>>>>>> LMAO! Steve, what's going on with you here lately?
>>>>>>> It's amusing but I'm starting to worry about you.
>>>>>>> Is this total boredom? Or are you just having a ton of fun. heheh
>>>>>>> Go make a cool sandwich and send us a picture. I command you!@
>>>>>>> G.
>>>>>> Amusing as this may seem, would you feel equally gratified if two known
>>>>>> trolls and group killers were trying to hasten your departure from this
>>>>>> forum?
>>>>>> Make no mistake, Steve takes nice pics and Marty knows barbecue, but
>>>>>> there is a malevolent and unfortunate side to both of them.
>>>>>> I'll say again, granting them safe harbor here is a mistake as they have
>>>>>> consistently ruined the very groups they chose to reside in over the years.
>>>>>> The public record is archived and irrefutable.
>>>>> It's impossible to force anyone to post or not in an
>>>>> unmoderated usenet group. Let alone kill a group.
>>>> Welcome back troll, you who have spent years stalking "brother Ray" in
>>>> afab and regularly doing your own part to diminish participation in groups.
>>> So you think bRay and Jerry are sensible people who have the
>>> right to never be mocked or ridiculed.
>> I think the world is chock full on people who are not sensible.
>> Spending all your free time mocking said causes me to question your own
>> sensibilities.
> Says the guy who posts 500 articles a week, mostly whining
> about S&M.
>> How can that possibly be nourishing to you?
> If you don't understand the concept of entertainment,
> there's no point in explaining it.
>>>> That's how you alt.usenet.kooks regulars work, you increase the noise
>>>> level and off topic posts to the point a group becomes unusable by its
>>>> regulars, then you losers revel in the discord.
>>>> Why that amuses you and Steve and Marty is yet to be determined, but it
>>>> has been documented and described.
>>> Possibly poking fun at humor-impaired dweebazoids who take
>>> themselves waaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously?
>> As a virtual and unrelenting lifestyle, day in and day out?
> Says the guy who posts 500 articles a week, mostly whining
> about S&M.
Trying to justify your own odd posting preferences by pointing to my
defense of myself is not a winning strategy.
Spin and Marty came after me, not the other way around.
So what do you get out of trolling anyway?
>>>>> Exactly what is it that S&M "do" that's got your panties so
>>>>> tightly bunched?
>>> <crickets>
>> I've already, and at some length, disclosed their campaign to chase me
>> off these food groups.
> All i've seen from you are vague nebulous assertions that
> they are "group killers".
Then you're managed to ignore the evidence I have posted thereof.
In part that is due to the fact you support them in their efforts and
have for many years, dating back to your time as Capn TrVth, done the
same thing they do.
> I'm not going to wade through
> your thousands of rambling incoherent posts to find
> something specific. Got a MID?
No, I have nothing for a disingenuous troll like yourself.
> The presumption is that you've been the subject of severe
> ridicule, for reasons that are obvious to everyone but you,
> and now your pussy hurts so you're out for revenge.
The observation is that there a number of men in these forums who like
to disparage and dislike women.
I suspect the three of you will be bachelors for life, unless I miss my
guess ;-)