On 6/28/2013 6:28 PM, Vegan Earthworm Holocaust wrote:
> On Friday, June 28, 2013 4:15:16 PM UTC-5, casa bona wrote:
>> On 6/28/2013 3:07 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> "casa bona" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> This from alt.food.fast-food and his home group, alt.usenet.kooks.
>>>> This is one very dangerously manipulative and brain damaged man:
>>> Took you long enough.
>> I tend to give folks the benefit of the doubt, and like so many others
>> it was easy to assume based on the nice pics he posts that there might
>> be some normalcy within.
>> My bad.
>>>>> You are so ****ing ignorant about the real world and anything having
>>>>> to do with sexual relations. Have your mom tell you about Schoolgirl
>>>>> fetishes, dumbass Read this in the meantime:
>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform...olgirl_uniform
> The woman in the schoolgirl uniform was cute, in spite of the ugly shoes.
Yes the shoes are a travesty.
>>> I personally like the naughty librarian look.
>> Has anyone ever really met one?
> My wife is a librarian, and I find her very attractive. Some ultra- conservative
> folks thought she was naughty because she didn't wear a bra.
> After her mastectomy, she does now, for physical comfort.
> The chemotherapy had an interesting effect. Her formerly thin hair grew
> back quite thick. One might even say, lush. Now, as soon as her hair
> reaches a certain length, she can look like a proper librarian, her
> hair in a bun.
I'm very glad to hear she's in good health again, congratulations to you
> I love women in uniform too, but a particular uniform,
> http://in2eastafrica.net/wp-content/...en-paris-3.jpg
> --Bryan
Well all right then.