"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 6/30/2013 3:42 AM, sf wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 Jun 2013 21:28:22 -0400, Earl > wrote:
>>> Jill in her better days with photo retouching:
>>> http://tinypic.com/r/nnl0kj/5
>> Get a clue dude, that's called a "glamour" shot. Anybody with an
>> ounce of comprehension understands that.
>>> Jill today:
>>> http://tinypic.com/r/2njgis8/5
>> Is this a picture you think should embarrass her?
> I guess I'm supposed to be embarrassed because gee, I'm 10 years older and
> didn't go to a professional photographer. My troll friend definitely
> hasn't gotten any more mature.
> That pic was taken at The Foolish Frog. Lunch that day was battered fried
> shrimp with house-made potato chips and a nice cocktail sauce.
All I can say is that he is the one with egg on his face lol