On 6/30/2013 2:44 PM, Ema Nymton wrote:
> On 6/30/2013 3:10 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> I guess I'm supposed to be embarrassed because gee, I'm 10 years older
>> and didn't go to a professional photographer. My troll friend
>> definitely hasn't gotten any more mature.
> You are lookin' good, girl. All of our pics on the Mugshot page are
> old, mine included, we put them up years ago. Many of us are on Facebook
> and our photos are current. I know you have no interest in Facebook, but
> it has been fun, and the rfc page is active.
> Becca
Thank you, Becca! I'll be 53 in July. I don't know why Earl thinks I
shouldn't age right along with the rest of us.