What do you use a pressure cooker for?
Timo wrote:
> With the exception of our main rice cooker, which is a pressure
> cooker, but which we only use for rice, I only use one for beans. I
> usually use canned beans, rather than dried, so it doesn't get much
> use. Even if I use dried beans, it's only necessary if I'm in a
> hurry.
> My mother used to use hers for big chunks of beef. Worked OK. A slow
> cooker works too, but takes all night (or all day). IMO, a slow
> cooker is easier, but before there were reliable electric slow
> cookers, and you cooked on a wood-burning stove (or similar), a
> pressure cooker could be easier for those kinds of things. Especially
> in 30C+ summer, when you don't want the combustion stove on all day.
Ah... Maybe that's why they seemed to be more popular in the old days. I
like using slow cookers sometimes.
> The suggestion up-thread for bones is good - doing bone soup on the
> stovetop is a long process, and might be worth trying in the pressure
> cooker.