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Janet Janet is offline
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Default What do you use a pressure cooker for?

In article >, says...
> Assuming that you do use one. My mom used to have one but used it rarely.
> She was always afraid it would explode. And I've read countless old timey
> stories where they did explode. I gather that the new ones don't do


I don't know why pressure cookers have that "exploding" reputation in
the USA, because it just doesn't exist in the UK where they've been in
common domestic kitchen use for well over half a century. I've never
heard of one exploding. Until my generation, many mothers used them
daily for sterilising baby bottles. ISTR my MIL used hers for bottling
(canning) home grown fruit and veg.

I've had one for over 40 years, used for making casseroles, soups and
stocks, steaming sponge or suet puddings, and Christmas puddings.

Janet UK