My take on the Paula Deen story
On Mon, 1 Jul 2013 12:25:48 +0100, Janet > wrote:
>In article >, gravesend10
> I don't remember ever seeing a Rachael Ray or
>> Nigella show.
> I'm amazed you've missed watching Nigella.. she has all your favourite
>attributes in a woman. A still picture doesn't really do her justice :-)
I just watched about two minutes of Nigella on the Utube that Ophelia
posted... listening to her voice turned me off... and she has a
*sloppy* over weight figure, she might be attractive if she dropped a
hundred pounds and exercised some, but then she'd very likely barely
fill a B cup. Her facial features are sort of coarse... I don't find
her attractive, and from how she handles ingredients I can tell she
can't cook.