On 7/1/2013 3:00 PM, George Leppla wrote:
> Correctamundo. The freed slaves were for the most part, uneducated,
> had few personal possessions and nowhere to go so most stayed where they
> were... at least for a while.
> If you would like some fascinating reading about this subject, go to
> http://www.gutenberg.org/files/30576...-h/30576-h.htm
I love that archive. We used it a lot in a college writing course I
took recently.
> These are the first hand stories of former slaves recorded in the
> 1930's. Some (maybe most) slaves had a horrible life.... others were
> owned by somewhat enlightened "masters" who fed and housed them very
> well.... and educated them alongside their own children.
> For me, reading these stories was an eye-opening experience. (Note...
> some of the stories were from slaves who lived very close to where I
> live now or close to where I lived in Louisiana. That made it that much
> more real to me.)
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