Casa Boner Getting Worse, Not Better
On 7/1/2013 2:21 PM, Jeßus wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Jul 2013 10:22:30 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Sun, 30 Jun 2013 14:56:54 -0600, casa bona > wrote:
>>>>> Stirring shit, YES.You went far too far. You
>>>>> are doing more harm than they could by themselves.
>>>> It's "too far" not to give up and let them have their way?
>>>> Please.
>>> You've become "them"
>> Yes! And along with 'them' she is in my bin! We had a lot of ups and downs
>> till she came here but she causes more trouble than everyone here put
>> together! This business of 'saving' the group must be an irony ... ! I
>> just wish she would bugger off and leave us to our own squabbles. We don't
>> need her to 'save' us! The only thing we need saved from now is her!
>> I don't care what people do in other groups. If those groups don't like it
>> they can sort it out, it doesn't need to be brought here. I understand that
>> not everyone likes Steve and Marty but mostly we tend to rub along without
>> this constant stirring. She and her holier than thou attitude is really
>> getting up my nose. Please miss, go back from whence you came and leave us
>> to ourselves. We manage just fine without your 'help'!
>> --
> She's an out and out trouble maker, no question at all. As you say,
> she's causing more trouble than literally every other poster put
> together here. Anyone who can't see that...
> Not to worry, give it time and this will all come and go.
It really is interesting to see how many are so quick to endorse
outright bullying and net abuse.
Congratulate yourself for being one of the in crowd.
Then ask why you are.