new pressure cooker
On 2013-07-01, j Burns > wrote:
> puffs of steam. Nils has a cooker whose valve doesn't normally lose
> steam. I want to find out how it controls the temperature without
> releasing steam.
He has a kuhn-rikon like mine. Great unit:
Unfortunately, DAMN pricey! I got my for half price at a close-out
and it was still the most costly p/c on the shelf.
Also, getting that precise temp to keep the pressure at one point is
almost impossible (propane stove). I settle for it going up ever so
slowly, then when it exceeds the 17psi relief point, I take it off the
burner till it goes down and try retweaking when I put it back on the
burner. I rarely hit it exactly. The article sez the school has an
induction stovetop which I suspect controls the temp digitally and
precisely. That's about the only way to control a K-R precisely.
Still it's a great tool and I don't regret getting it for one second.